In the wise words of Paarthurnax from Skyrim "What is better - to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?"
So I know that WotC has done away with races being inherently evil or good, which I agree for the most part (cough looking at you mindflayer cough), but I really like the idea of good triumphing over an evil tendency.
Anyway this particular subclass was requested by a supporter on Patreon, that wanted a divine soul sorcerer that wasn't divine soul, and more focused on support, so I obliged.
Take Care!
The fate of those with infernal blood is often set out from the very moment they are born. No matter how much Tieflings or other such devil-blooded humanoids may try to bring about change for the good, their nature is to usher in chaos and destruction. However, there are those whose sheer force of will and kindness causes celestial powers to give them atonement. Despite their blood being devilish, their hearts beat for light and justice. These are the Atoned Hearts.
Atonement Magic
You learn additional spells when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown on the Atonement Spells table. Each of these spells counts as a sorcerer spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of sorcerer spells you know.
Whenever you gain a sorcerer level, you can replace one spell you gained from this feature with another spell of the same level. The new spell must be an evocation or enchantment spell from the cleric or paladin spell list.
Atonement Spells
Sorcerer level | Spells |
1st | bless, healing word |
3rd | calm emotions, lesser restoration |
5th | beacon of hope, revivify |
7th | death ward, guardian of faith |
9th | greater restoration, hallow |
Bring to Peac
Starting at 1st level, your clarity and good heart are enough to bring serenity to even the most disturbed of minds and souls. You can use your action to attempt to pacify a hostile creature within 15 feet of you. It must make a Wisdom saving throw against your Spell Save DC. On a failure, it is pacified and will not attack or interfere with you or your allies unless it is attacked or it sees its allies be attacked. Fiends and undead have disadvantage on this saving throw.
In addition, if the creature is charmed, you can choose to instantly end the charmed condition.
Once you've used this ability, you can't use it again until you complete a long rest.
Bond of Two Bloods
Also at 1st level, as your blood is fiendish and your heart is divine, you've learned to harness both aspects in harmony. This extends to those you are closest to.
When you roll initiative, you may choose yourself or another creature within 10 feet of you, to gain one of the following benefits for 1 minute:
• Speed is increased by 15 feet.
• Gain resistance to fire, necrotic, poison or radiant damage.
As a bonus action on each of your subsequent turns, you can change between the two features or the damage type the creature is resistant to.
You may only use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma Modifier per long rest.
Redeemer's Will
At 6th level, your will to walk a path of clarity cannot be thwarted in any way, and you can share this vision with others. You gain advantage on all ability checks and saving throws against the charmed, grappled, frightened or restrained condition.
In addition, when a creature within 60 feet of you becomes charmed, grappled, frightened or restrained, you may use your reaction to end the condition. If you do this, you no longer benefit from the advantage against those conditions for the next hour. You may only use this reaction once per long rest.
Penance's Path
At the 14th level, you've garnered enough divine presence to impose penance on a creature, thus healing its soul. Whenever a creature within 60 feet of you successfully hits another creature with an attack roll, you may use your reaction to force the creature to repent from its violent ways. The creature rolls damage for the attack as normal, but instead heals the creature it attacked for that many hit points.
Once you've used this feature, you cannot use it again until you take a short or long rest.
Final Redemption
By the 18th level, you've accepted that your path of redemption ends with your sacrifice. You are ready to give up all you are to save those around you. As an action, you may choose up to 2 other creatures within 30 feet of you. You expend all your hit points, go unconscious and suffer 2 failed death saving throws. The creatures you chose restore all their hit points and have advantage on all attack rolls, ability checks and saving throws for the next minute. For the next 10 minutes, you cannot regain hit points.
Once you use this feature, you need to rest for a week to use it again.

penance's path can have a really funny interaction with a paladin from the party intentionally attacking a low HP party member, especially if this party member can somehow get paralyzed, use high level smite, and then just get an insane amount of healing from a 3rd or 4th level spell slot. even more so if the paladin have pearl of power or something and its out of combat
Which compendium or book is this included in?